Early Music

Valerie Fox

In which Iā€™m the girl that the young man can only tell the truth to while sheā€™s sleeping, the one in Simon and Garfunkelā€™s ā€œAmerica.ā€ And a few years later riding a Greyhound bus with a quiet kitten in my backpack, at the toll plaza one sign pointing to Philadelphia and one to Pittsburgh.

And before that ā€œRock of Agesā€ and ā€œThe Old Rugged Crossā€ in the usual pew. And I used to pretend to be asleep hearing my mother sing, if that mockingbird won’t sing, mama’s gonna buy you a diamond ring, early like that. With a light patting on my back. And later smoking childishly right by a no smoking sign in the waiting area, was it Pittsburgh? And before that the monks singing in their monasteries for God. Minstrels passing along their lore about familial birds and lime-green snakes, saints and room-like trees. Did it bear fruit? Could we eat it?

And the dapper man telling me what I ought to do, as if he could see my life stretching out in a gray arc, inevitably patterned, he has my young manā€™s eyes. But perhaps a much bigger heart. Not my type. And I am sleeping not pretending to, when he alights.

Valerie has published in Juked, Cleaver, Reflex, Okay Donkey, Across the Margin, and other journals. Books include Poems for the Writing: Prompts for Poets (2nd edition) and The Rorschach Factory. Much interested in collaboration, she recently published The Real Sky (art/word collaboration), a limited edition, hand-made book, with artist Jacklynn Niemiec.